#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use CGI qw(:standard); use GD; print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "\n"; print "Network Navigation\n"; print <
Yale Gerstein Lab
END_OF_BANNER my $cgi = new CGI; my $bait = $cgi->param('ORF_name'); ### node to start the navigation ### my $cutoff = $cgi->param('cutoff'); ### The likelihood ratio cutoff my $PI = $cgi->param('dataset'); ### The interaction dataset my $Lfile = "../pull_down/L/L_PIT/" . $bait . ".txt"; # the file to read in the likelihood ratio information; my %L; # the likelihood ratio for each pair of interaction; my $N; my $ratio; my $orf; my %nei; my $group; my $line; my @data; my @datasets; my $i=0; my $infile; my ($NEW, $OUTPUT, $DATASET); my @dataset_description; my $k=0; my $gnum=0; my $description; my $length=0; my $total_level=0; my $time_id=time; ### different IDs for different tasks ### my $element_file = './results/'.$time_id.'.txt'; ### output file ### ### checking the input ### my $factor = 0; if ($bait eq "") { $factor = 1; print " Did you forget to input the starting node?
"; } if ($PI eq "") { $factor = 1; print " Did you forget to select any interaction datasets?
"; } if ($cutoff eq "") { $factor = 1; print " Did you forget to input the likelihood ratio cutoff?
"; } if (!($cutoff =~ /^(\d+\.?\d*|\.\d+)$/) || ($cutoff < 0)) { $factor = 1; print " The cutoff has to be a number larger than or equal to 0!
"; } if ($factor) { print "
Input error!
"; print "   Return to the main menu
\n"; exit; } $bait =~ s/\-//g; $bait =~ tr/[a-z]/[A-Z]/; (open (OUTPUT, ">$element_file")) || die " cannot open the out file"; # Read in the Likelihood ratio information from the dataset that the user chooses; if ($PI eq "PIP") { $N = 2; } if ($PI eq "PIE") { $N = 1; } if ($PI eq "PIT") { $N = 3; } open (DATA, $Lfile) || die "Unable to open $Lfile"; while () { chomp; my @temp = split (/\t/); $temp[0] =~ tr/[a-z]/[A-Z]/; $temp[0] =~ s/\-//g; $temp[$N] = -1 if ($temp[$N] eq "NA"); $L{$temp[0]} = $temp[$N] if ($temp[$N] >= $cutoff); $nei{$temp[0]}[0] = 0 if ($temp[$N] >= $cutoff); # The neighbours of the orf that the user is interested in, the neighbors must have a ratio larger than the cutoff; } close (DATA); #deal with the data sets $datasets #======================= ### Selection of databases ### $dataset_description[$k++]='Gold standard positives'; ### description for this interaction dataset ### $datasets[$gnum++]='MIPS.txt'; ### path for this interaction dataset ### $dataset_description[$k++]='Interacting pairs from BIND and DIP'; $datasets[$gnum++]='BD.txt'; $dataset_description[$k++]='in vivo pull down dataset by Gavin et al'; $datasets[$gnum++]='Gavin.txt'; $dataset_description[$k++]='in vivo pull down dataset by Ho et al'; $datasets[$gnum++]='Ho.txt'; $dataset_description[$k++]='Yeast two hybrid dataset by Uetz et al'; $datasets[$gnum++]='Uetz.txt'; $dataset_description[$k++]='Yeast two hybrid dataset by Ito et al'; $datasets[$gnum++]='Ito.txt'; $dataset_description[$k++]='Gold standard negatives'; $datasets[$gnum++]='Neg.txt'; #################################################### # read in the negative data in virtual-bait format # #################################################### my $k = $gnum - 1; my $negfile = $bait . ".txt"; open (DATA, "./Neg/$negfile"); while () { chomp; $nei{$_}[$k] = 1 if (exists $nei{$_}); } close (DATA); ######################### # End of read negatives # ######################### for($i=0; $i<$k; $i++) { $infile=$datasets[$i]; ### combine all the interaction datasets ### (open(DATASET, "<$infile")) || die "cannot open the data file"; while($line=) { chomp($line); @data=split("\t", $line); $data[0] =~ s/\-//g; $data[0] =~ tr/[a-z]/[A-Z]/; $data[1] =~ s/\-//g; $data[1] =~ tr/[a-z]/[A-Z]/; if (($data[0] eq $bait) && (exists $nei{$data[1]})) { $nei{$data[1]}[$i]=1; } elsif(($data[1] eq $bait) && (exists $nei{$data[0]})) { $nei{$data[0]}[$i]=1; } } close (DATASET); } for $group(keys %nei) { $length++; for ($i=0; $i<$gnum; $i++) { if (!defined($nei{$group}[$i])) { $nei{$group}[$i]=0; } } } print "

Network Navigation Output for $bait

\n"; print < Probabilistic interactome END_DES print "$PI\n"; print "Virtual bait\n"; print "$bait\n"; print "Likelihood ratio cutoff"; print "$cutoff\n"; print "Number of Interactions"; print "$length\n"; print "

\n"; print 'You can also choose to display the result in a table (recomended when too many interactions)
'; print '

'."\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print ''."\n"; print ''."\n"; print ''; print '
'; print '
Click here to get SGD annotation for '."$bait"."
"; print '
Return to the main menu
'; print OUTPUT "ORF\tLikelihood ratio"; for ($i=0; $i<$k; $i++) { print OUTPUT "\t$dataset_description[$i]"; } print OUTPUT "\n"; for $group(keys %nei) { print OUTPUT "$group\t$L{$group}"; for ($i=0; $i<$gnum; $i++) { print OUTPUT "\t$nei{$group}[$i]"; } print OUTPUT "\n"; } close(OUTPUT); close (DATASET); # draw the graph #============================== if ($length==0) { print "

No interactions found for $bait with likelihood ratios larger than or equal to $cutoff

"; print "\n"; exit; } $total_level=int(log($length/5)/log(2))+2; my $total_x = 180 * $total_level + 100; my $total_y = 200 * $total_level+100; $total_x=(($total_x < 400)?400:$total_x); $total_y=(($total_y < 400)?400:$total_y); my $center_x= $total_x/2; my $center_y= $total_y/2+80; print '
'."\n"; my $im = new GD::Image ($total_x, $total_y+20); my $i=0; my ($ALL, $FILE); my ($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2); my $label; my $radius; my $angle; my $ele_angle; my $start_angle; my $level=0; my @level_num; my $line; my @data; my $left=$length; my $pi=atan2(1,1)*4; my $piover180=$pi/180; my $ele_num; my $html; my @colors; my $label; my $time='results/'."$time_id".'.png'; (open (FILE, "<$element_file")) || die "cannot open the infile"; ; (open (ALL, ">$time")) || print "cannot open the time file"; binmode ALL; $colors[0] = $im->colorAllocate(255,255,255); #white $colors[1] = $im->colorAllocate(0,0,0); #black $colors[2] = $im->colorAllocate(0,255,0); #green $colors[3] = $im->colorAllocate(0,0,255); #blue $colors[4] = $im->colorAllocate(255,180,0); #Orange $colors[5] = $im->colorAllocate(230,230,0); #Yellow $colors[6] = $im->colorAllocate(160,160,0); #Purple $colors[7] = $im->colorAllocate(255,0,0); #red $colors[8] = $im->colorAllocate(170,170,170); #gray $im->transparent($colors[0]); $im->interlaced('true'); #intiate the process $im->arc($center_x, $center_y, 20, 20, 0, 360, $colors[1]); # the center of the picture $level_num[0]=5; for ($i=1; $i<15; $i++) { $level_num[$i]=0; } while($left>0) { $ele_num=&find_level_num($level); # radius and angles of this level $radius=80*($level+1); $ele_angle=360/$ele_num; $start_angle=72*(2**(-$level)); $ele_num=&min($left, $ele_num); for ($i=0; $i<$ele_num; $i++) { chomp($line=); ($orf, $ratio, @data) = split("\t", $line); $angle = $start_angle + $i*$ele_angle; $x1 =$center_x + ($radius-10) * sin($angle * $piover180); $y1 =$center_y - ($radius-10) * cos($angle * $piover180); $x2 =$center_x; $y2 =$center_y; $im->line($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $colors[1]); $x1 =$center_x + $radius * sin($angle * $piover180); $y1 =$center_y - $radius * cos($angle * $piover180); &draw_pie($x1, $y1); $x1=$x1-10; $y1=$y1-10; $x2=$x1+20; $y2=$y1+20; $html=''."\n"; print "$html"; if($angle<180) { $x1-=6; } else { $x1-=30; } if(($angle<270)&&($angle>90)) { $y1+=15; } else { $y1-=25; } $im->string(gdSmallFont, $x1, $y1, $orf, $colors[1]); } $left-=$ele_num; $level++; } $im->fill(1, 1, $colors[0]); #legends: for ($i=0; $i<$gnum; $i++) { $x1=$center_x-60; $y1=10+$i*15; $x2=$center_x-50; $y2=20+$i*15; $im->filledRectangle($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $colors[$i+1]); $x1=$center_x-30; $y1=10+$i*15; $label=$dataset_description[$i]; $im->string(gdSmallFont, $x1, $y1, $label, $colors[$i+1]); } binmode STDOUT; print ALL $im->png; close(ALL); print '

'."\n"; print ''; sub min { my $a=shift; my $b=shift; return (($a>$b)?$b:$a); } sub find_level_num { my $level=shift; if ($level>0) { for ($i=0; $i<$level; $i++) { $level_num[$level]+=$level_num[$i]; } } else { $level_num[$level]=5; } return($level_num[$level]); } sub draw_pie { my $x=shift; my $y=shift; my $sector_num=0; my $angle_start; my $angle_end; my $angle_elem; my $i=0; my $j=0; my $cut_x; my $cut_y; my $cut_angle=0; my $fill_x; my $fill_y; my $fill_angle; my $radius=5; my $pi=atan2(1,1)*4; my $piover180=$pi/180; $im->arc($x, $y, 20, 20, 0, 360, $colors[1]); for ($i=0; $i<$gnum; $i++) { $sector_num+=$data[$i]; } $angle_elem=360/$sector_num if ($sector_num != 0); for ($i=0; $i<$gnum; $i++) { if ($data[$i]) { $angle_start = $j * $angle_elem; $angle_end = ($j+1) * $angle_elem; $cut_angle = $angle_end; if ($sector_num>1) { $cut_x = $x; $cut_y = $y-10; $im->line($x, $y, $cut_x, $cut_y, $colors[1]); $cut_x = $x + 10 * sin($cut_angle * $piover180); $cut_y = $y - 10 * cos($cut_angle * $piover180); $im->line($x, $y, $cut_x, $cut_y, $colors[1]); } $fill_angle = ($angle_start + $angle_end)/2; $fill_x = $radius * sin($fill_angle * $piover180); $fill_y = $radius * cos($fill_angle * $piover180); $fill_x = $x + $fill_x; $fill_y = $y - $fill_y; $im->fill($fill_x, $fill_y, $colors[$i+1]); $j++; } } if ($sector_num == 0) { $im->fill($x, $y, $colors[8]); } } close(FILE); exit;